LASIK Surgery - Volunteer Eyecare

LASIK Surgery

LASIK Surgery

mom and daughter

We co-manage LASIK surgery for surgical correction of vision. LASIK is an acronym for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, which means to reshape the cornea without disturbing the adjoining tissue. It is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using an excimer laser to correct your nearsightedness, astigmatism, or farsightedness.

The surgical technique involves using a tiny high-precision instrument called a microkeratome to separate the layers of corneal tissue and create a thin flap on the surface of the eye. This flap is then folded back and the excimer laser is applied to gently reshape the underlying tissue. The corneal flap is replaced leaving the eye almost untouched. The cornea’s new shape is what improves vision.

For carefully screened patients, LASIK has the potential to greatly reduce dependency on corrective lenses and in some cases glasses may not be required. If you expect perfectly corrected vision as a result of treatment, you may be disappointed. It is also important that you are aware of the risks and side effects and that your motivation for LASIK is strong enough for you to accept them.

Our doctors will evaluate your eyes and discuss your visual goals to help determine if you are an appropriate candidate for LASIK. If you have appropriate goals and there are no contraindications for the procedure, we will recommend a pre-operative evaluation to determine suitability for refractive surgery. This evaluation includes:

  • Extensive counseling on refractive surgery options
  • Computerized corneal curvature analysis
  • Eye dominancy testing
  • Corneal thickness evaluation
  • Review of eye history and refractive stability
  • Medical evaluation of the cornea and eye, and
  • Refractive analysis

If after the pre-operative evaluation, the decision is made to proceed with surgery, your information will be forwarded to the surgeon and surgery will be scheduled. Post-operative management will be provided by our doctors, and includes multiple visits over a 6-month period from the date of surgery to include medical evaluation and management of the vision and corneal healing. Professional determination of any additional therapies needed (such as reading glasses, sunglasses, or enhancement laser procedures) is also included.